About Us

What is a Co-op? Garrett Growers is legally incorporated as a producer’s cooperative (Co-op), which means that the business is owned by the farmers it serves. We’re democratically controlled 100% by farmers; we have officers and a Board of Directors who are farmers. Co-op operating expenses are paid out of regular commissions on sales, and any profits at the end of the year are distributed according to the growers’ wishes. The economic goal of the Co-op is service at cost to growers.
What Do Garrett Growers Offer? We have a wide variety of fresh produce items, available throughout the normal Garrett County growing season. In addition, our growers are using season-extension techniques to allow our customers to offer local fresh produce from early spring through late fall!
How Do You Grow The Food? None of our farmers are certified organic. Some grow organically, some are more conventional. Our farmers comply with all laws and regulations regarding the limited use of chemicals on food crops. We all care about our land. Our families help us in the fields, and we would not do anything that would jeopardize their health.
What Do Garrett Growers Offer? We have a wide variety of fresh produce items, available throughout the normal Garrett County growing season. In addition, our growers are using season-extension techniques to allow our customers to offer local fresh produce from early spring through late fall!
How Do You Grow The Food? None of our farmers are certified organic. Some grow organically, some are more conventional. Our farmers comply with all laws and regulations regarding the limited use of chemicals on food crops. We all care about our land. Our families help us in the fields, and we would not do anything that would jeopardize their health.